Aeroponics System

How does the Aeroponic System Work?

Aeroponics SystemThe hydroponics method uses a soilless growing medium over which nutrient-laden water is pumped, while the Aeroponics system allows the roots to dangle in the air and uses a nutrient-laden mist to nourish the plants. A timer supplies the timed spray at intervals for the plants. The seeds are “planted” in foam rings and placed into tint pots which hold the growing stem and root mass in place as the plants grow.

The Aeroponics system is considered to be the best method to grow plants in no soil and this method is growing due to a more convenient way to grow plants.

However, you need to be aware that because the chambers are constantly wet with nutrient spray, harmful bacteria and fungi can develop. Therefore, it is important to clean and sterilize these misters before using them, and occasionally take out and keep these chambers treated with the hydrogen peroxide solution.

There are three types of Aeroponic Systems

Low-pressure Aeroponics (LPA)

Also called “soakaponics” LPA is the most commonly used Aeroponics system and the widest availability at any hydroponic shop due to its ease to set up, and low cost. The LPA system works well and creates a droplet size much different from the high-pressure system.

High-pressure Aeroponics (HPA)

This type of Aeroponic system is the “true Aeroponic” system. It takes a higher pressure (60-90 psi) to properly atomize the water into a fine mist with a very small water droplet of 50 microns or less. This fine mist allows the roots to get a lot more oxygen than in low-pressure systems.

However, this is more advanced and expensive to build and would require specialized equipment. So they are often used in commercial production rather than by home growers.

Ultrasonic fogger Aeroponics

Ultrasonic fogger Aeroponics or commonly called fogponics are used to atomize water into super small droplets of water. These are very tiny and you will see them in the form of fog.

Ultrasonic foggers are most commonly used to create visual displays in ponds, as well as on stage. They are also often sold around Halloween with Halloween decorations too. While they do create a mist with a very small water droplet size, there is very little actual moisture in the mist/fog.

Though plant roots find it easier to absorb water in a tiny size, the foggers tend to drop to the bottom of the container, making it hard to make sure the roots are completely covered by the mist all the time.

What Can You Grow with the  Aeroponics System?

You can use this system to grow nearly anything. Aeroponics systems are primarily used for the same applications as hydroponics systems, including leafy greens, culinary herbs, marijuana, strawberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Hundreds of species of plants have been tested and grown successfully by commercial greenhouse owners, researchers and nurseries operating using this technique.

Advantages of Aeroponic System Growing

  • Maximum nutrient absorption for plant roots due to no growing medium
  • Massive plant growth because plant roots are exposed to oxygen 24/7. This promotes healthy and fast-growing plants. The mist spray used on the roots can also be sterilized to prevent plant diseases.
  • Higher yields
  • Considerably fewer nutrients and water are used on average compared to other systems because of the higher nutrient absorption rate. You can help the environment by using less water and human labour
  • Mobility. You can move around easily plants or even the whole nursery as all you need is to move the plant from one collar to another
  • Little space is required. You don’t need a lot of space to be able to set up this system. Plants can be added up one on top of each other. With this type of modular system, you can maximize the use of limited space.
  • Easy system maintenance because there is no growing medium used. However, you need to disinfect the root chamber regularly, and periodically the irrigation channels and the reservoir
  • The system can be cleaned easily
  • Easy to replace old plants with new ones
  • Great educational value. Adults and kids can use this system to grow pet plants and learn a great deal about plants without needing to get their hands dirty.

Disadvantages of Aeroponic System Growing

  • Besides many great advantages, Aeroponics also has downsides that cannot be overlooked such as:
  • Require constant attention to pH and nutrient density ratio because this system is sensitive. Understanding what is the right ratio and applying this concept may be difficult for beginners and can only be attempted by those who are more familiar with such systems.
  • The cost for the initial set-up can be high, which can be many hundreds of dollars each
  • Require constant supervision
  • Susceptible to power outages. You will have to water your plants manually if this happens.
  • Require technical knowledge as it is one of the most technical to set up. As there is no soil to absorb the excess nutrients, you need to have good knowledge about the amounts of nutrients required by the plant roots
  • Dependence on the system. An Aeroponic system is made of mist nozzles, high-pressure pumps, and a timer. If one of these breaks down, your plants will die easily.
  • Require regular disinfection of the root chamber (a common disinfectant is hydrogen peroxide) to prevent root diseases.
  • The microorganism can be introduced to plant roots through the water.
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